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Despite the short time of “existence” of MMAPE, there are collaborations with different academic, governmental and civil society actors. Perhaps the most notable example of the intersection of collaborative work being carried out at MMAPE is the collaboration carried out in the UABCS Pichilingue Academic Unit, where together with the The Whale Museum Rescue Center / UABCS, various activities related to the Monitoring, Rescue, Rehabilitation and Liberation of species of Marine Megafauna are carried out. As a part of this collaboration, we also work closely with PROFEPA, through the State Stranding Network, and with civil organizations such as The Whale Museum and Marine Sciences and MMARES, AC, and Tortuguero Group of the Californias. In addition to the above mentionated, we also collaborate closely with other researchers and / or research groups from both the UABCS and CICIMAR; with organizations focused on Conservation such as Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, in relation to conducting Monitoring and Research, and with citizens interested in issues related to knowledge dissemination and development of strategies to improve megafauna tourism observation practices.

Desenredamiento de una ballena jorobada
Desenredamiento de una ballena jorobada
MMAPE / Sea Shepherd

Entrevista al Dr. Rosales por la Biol. Eva Hidalgo de Sea Shepherd

Atención a varamiento
Trabajos de limpieza en el Centro de Rescate
Monitoreo de vaquita marina
Colaboración con Sea Sheperd
Monitoreo de vaquita marina
Atención a varamiento
Monitoreo ballena jorobada
Lobo fino de Guadalupe

Atención por parte de la Red de Varamientos

Monitoreo vaquita marina
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Universidad Autónoma de Baja California Sur. Carr. al Sur Km 5.5. Col. el Mezquitito. CP. 23080

© Esther Jiménez / MMAPE 2020

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